Sunday, August 2, 2009

Snaggletooth Girl

She has lost another tooth. It is her 5th one, but for me this one is pretty exciting because it is one of her top front teeth. I LOOOOOVE it when little kids are missing their top front teeth. Especially when they take their kindergarten pics. She takes school pics on Sept. 16th I am hoping (fingers crossed) that she will lose the other front tooth before then and also that they dont start to come back in before she take school pics! I SOOOOOOO want that to be in her yearbook!

Oh wait! ( light going on realization moment) I put together their entire yearbook (with Kellie) so if the timing is off I could still make that happen.... hmmm

oops! sorry. got distracted by that. back to the story from tonight. Savannah has been a lil snaggletoothed for about a week or so. that tooth just kept hanging in there, but dangling pretty far past her others. Tonight we were having some dinner & dancing. (code for we were listening to music & dancing around while making dinner in the kitchen) Well she got really crazy with her moves and got herself in the mouth with her hand. it started bleeding and i knew it was finally gonna come out. "mom, get the salt water for rinsing while i pull it out!" i love my big girl!

it was so cute. she wanted to take alot of pictures of her front tooth being gone. of course i was more than happy to amuse her. ;-D silly faces and all.

Still my Snaggletooth Girl in this one
and it's GONE!!! See the hole where it was?
LOL! Savannah I can't see your teeth with your mouth closed.
"I think this shows it off good!"
such a happy, smiley girl =D
showing that her tooth is bagged labeled & ready for the tooth fairy. "Mom, I hope the tooth fairy brings me $5 again." me -"i think the tooth fairy might need to be more careful with her money these days like the rest of us..."
so cute i just want to go in and squeeze her again right now.
scratch that. she's sleeping and it was a loooong day.
new plan- give her lots of hugs in the morning.
can i put my finger in the hole where my tooth used to be?
I'm ready to go to sleep so the tooth fairy can come ;-)
wait. one last crazy face.

annnnd cue the fake snoring.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! And she's SO not right! LOL! Hmmm...where does she get that from!?!? LOL!
